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The composite modulus



AXXON uses three different fibers with carbon modulus of (240 Gpa, 392 Gpa and 455 Gpa). The  higher the composite modulus is, the more that can be gained by using less carbon material and by using  less carbon material means  a lighter mast tube.

Masts are made from pre impregnated carbon fiber ( carbon fiber (60 to 70 %) and resin (30 to 40 %)).
Fibers are oriented in different directions depending on the calculated stress in the different areas of the mast. Therefore the carbon-epoxy composite matrix has different properties depending on fiber orientation.
The fibers involved in the stiffness of the mast are mainly those oriented in the vertical axis of the mast. These fibers, called UD (Uni-Directional) account for 65% to 75% of the total weight of the mast tube.

Below you will find the table that summarizes the different modulus:

Column 1:
The modulus takes into account only the basic module of the fiber alone.
Column 2:
The compressive modulus of the unidirectional fiber including the resin.
Column 3:
The final modulus of the matrix corresponding to the axial modulus obtained with the combination of fibers oriented in different directions.

Fiber Modulus

MATRIX : result of combination of Uni Directional and Biaxial fibers

The innovative carbon mast company